Image background detail is from StarWheel painting SW090 Room-of-Ra by Aya.

The StarWheels

Book cover designed by Aya for his StarWheels Book PDF.

• StarWheels Book.
This is the complete Collection of 108 StarWheel mandalas by Aya. Each StarWheel is a full-page image with a title and keyword. Facing each StarWheel, you will find the corresponding SW Sutra (mystical commentary) and SW Picto-Koan (iconic rendition). There are 9 series of 12 StarWheels each, spanning the period 1985 - 2003, in locations varying from Santa Monica, CA, to Sedona, AZ.

The StarWheels are meeting you as temples of Light and rituals of Auspiciousness. Approach them with an open heart and a cosmic smile.

A 22-pages Introduction briefly describes the StarWheel Vision: the experience, the technical aspects of the air-brushed paintings, and the various petals that unfolded from the original vision. The preface is by J. J. Hurtak (The Keys of Enoch). [246 full color pages]

Enjoy the StarWheel promenade.

The StarWheels are a unique collection of 6' x 6' mandala paintings created and airbrushed on canvas by French-born visionary artist Aya. Received in 1985 from a spirit vision in Santa Monica, CA, these mandalas offer a harmonic spiral hologram of 12 series of 12 = 144 bio-designed Temples of Light. Since 1985, 108 (9 series of 12) StarWheels have been birthed as a happy family.

As 2D and 3D energy-field geometries, the StarWheels can be practically used as life-force boosters, levity wave-guides, implosion yantras, healing templates, Feng Shui & Geomancy maps or soul & stargate tuners.  The StarWheel images can also be contemplated from the pure no-mind consciousness and entered in communion as doorways into Oneness.

"The StarWheels offer a tantalizing glimpse into the galaxies of consciousness whirling within our being."   Aya

Book cover designed by Aya for his StarWheel Vision Documents PDF.

The StarWheel Vision Documents.
This is a companion volume to the StarWheel Collection book. It expands on the initial introduction in the SW Collection book.

The SW Vision book first offers a series of inspirational downloads that came along during the creation of the StarWheel paintings. This is complemented by descriptions of the SW process & the mandala model and by suggestions for using the StarWheels.

We include various articles by Aya about creative inspiration, vibrational art, the revival of sacred arts & sacred geometry, as well as global projects that un-pack the vision of the StarWheels as a contemporary reformatting of mankind’s consciousness. [118 full color pages]

StarWheel testimonials and a short bio of Aya precede the Earth Mandala prayer.

The tribes of the Earth

Gather their colorful banners

And dance again the rainbow starwheel

Book cover designed by Aya for his StarWheel Fleet Book PDF.

• The StarWheel Fleet. Book 1.
The StarWheels have a close ET connection. Even though the paintings on canvas are in a flat 2D plane, their vibrational energy expands out of the canvas into a spherical dimension. It could be said that the SWs are the diametral cross-section of a 3D sphere... This higher perception can be obtained through inner vision access, contemplation and meditation.

This multi-dimensional vision can also be approached, or hinted to, by technology: advanced 3D graphic programs or immersion technologies. As I started to play with simple Photoshop renditions of the SW digital files, I was soon guided to image space-ships & mother-ships. This first collection is unfolded from StarWheels 1-36 and gives Photoshop-amateur glimpses of what more pro experts could do in terms of 3D detailed structures, possibly animated. [102 full color images]

In a way, this book is a project proposal to inspire pro digital artists to launch an exploration: the complete un-packing of all 108 StarWheel designs to turn them into the StarWheel Fleet they encode.

Book cover designed by Aya for his StarWheel Panoramic Immersions PDF.

• The StarWheel Panoramic Immersions. Book 1.
This book provides an insider’s view experience. The viewer is transported inside the spherical or vortical rendition and is immersed in segments of a panoramic experience. It is virtual reality without interaction, mediated by a flat screen. Using the Photoshop Panoramic Immersion tool would bring more direct interaction...

And it could be upgraded to fuller levels of VR experience and “meta reality”...

As a book format, the snapshots offered here can first be browsed through. Then, kindly quiet the mind and allow yourself to be available to subtle signals of recognition when a certain image “calls” on you... Let the image and your soul-spirit interact in a mutual space of “home”... Navigate the image from various angles and perspectives, imagining that you are a mini avatar entering a large universe... [206 full color pages]

Book cover designed by Aya for his StarWheel Sphere Book PDF.

The StarWheel Sphere Book. Book 1.
The SW Sphere transforms are selected or redesigned frames of the 3D New Sphere feature of Photoshop. When first bringing up and navigating the sphericity of a StarWheel, it was like being the external witness to one’s life – and to one’s planet as well. An out-of-body or out-of-starwheel experience. Zooming in and passing through the envelope of the sphere was akin to an incarnation experience...

Imagine some StarSpheres as large sphere crafts or even planet-size motherships. On the other end of the spectrum, imagine the StarSpheres as bubbles in the quantum foam, each one with their own, unique consciousness... Invite the music of the spheres to play upon the strings of your inner zither... Juggle with the SW Spheres, two, three, four at a time...

The categories imprinted on the collective western mind, in modern times, have largely been linear, sequential and two-dimensional (the squarish “cartesian coordinates”). This has been a defeating limitation in terms of consciousness expansion. Seeing, perceiving and receiving signals, data and information in dynamic 3D form and entering the creative momentum of this higher-dimensional mind processing IS a whole new universe.

The SW Spheres are giving a glimpse and a boost to the evolutionary expansion of the human consciousness from flatland to sphericity to infinite higher dimensions of simultaneous perception and quantum unified coherence. [174 full color pages]

Book cover designed by Aya for his Starwaves Book PDF.

The StarWaves. Book 1.
The StarWaves introduce Vibrational Art. The StarWaves are a second-generation SW family translated into the vibrational language of waveforms: they apply frequency and wave transforms to the now-classical, parent-generation StarWheel mandalas and their “traditional reality”.

As a form of vibrational massage of our perception and awareness, the StarWaves are stepping out of the established classical reality of space-time linearity and mind/cultural referencing (symbols & mythologies, narratives of control & binary concepts). The StarWaves take the Sacred to a new level, the Cosmic Sacred, where the reality experienced can no longer be referenced by the mind and where the vibrational input can therefore be fresh and invigorating.

You can’t really make any “normal”, mental sense of a StarWave – instead you just have to “like” it or “not like” it, and rely on your body prompting you to dance and chant, your emotional intelligence wanting you to laugh or cry, or your heart and spirit wisdom intelligence making you feeling ”home”...

You are invited to go beyond the past-sacred to the now-celebration sacred...

An Introduction gives Aya’s views about “Star Weaving, Frequency Weaving and Reality Perception”. [192 full color pages]

Book cover designed by Aya for his StarWheel Tapestries Book PDF.

The StarWheel Tapestries Book. Book 1.
In the course of exploring renditions of the StarWheels, I came across designs that felt like coming out of ancient, primordial tapestries. The SW Tapestries book is a collection of such pieces recombining and mirroring various elements to provide newly woven “tapestries”.

The SW Tapestries are another window into the newly glimpsed ocean of multi-dimensional consciousness: no longer the discrete, separate, controllable, dualistic objects and walls of ego-perception uncoupling I-and-You or Me-and-Them, but the delightful, immersive flows and eddies of inclusive, primordial energy reaching to the human shores...

May these tentative Tapestries augur an expanded human consciousness where we no longer force into a labeled box anything that is alive... All is throbbing with omni-present, exultant, glorious, loving life-force...

May we be walking and dancing upon the majestic tapestry of the inclusive, unitive, celebrating Play of Life... weaving new threads of light at each step. [215 full color pages]

Book cover designed by Aya for his StarWheel Book of High-Reliefs PDF.

• The StarWheel Book of High-Reliefs.
When I first used the “Bas Relief” feature of Photoshop, I was stunned: here was a StarWheel design carved out on stone, with the very irregularities and shadows of an ancient artefact just unearthed...

The “Bas Relief” feature is what I now call “High Relief” as these renditions convey a whole new impression of the StarWheels as repositories of knowledge, known and then lost... un-deciphered and to be rediscovered... They come across as mystery disks pregnant with meaning. Maybe ancient stargates coming out of a long burial...

See if, encountering these stone carving renditions of the StarWheels, you feel new levels of connection, wisdom and understanding arising in your consciousness. See if, turning yourself into a cosmic archeologist, you can put together the larger story of humanity within the galactic saga of existence. See if you can read and share around your tribe the stories laid out in this collection of synaesthesia disks on loan from the Andromeda Confederation.

The SW High Reliefs are rendered in a bi-tone: blue top and pink granite bottom. [110 full color pages]

Book cover designed by Aya for his StarWheel Picto-Koans Book PDF.

• The StarWheel Picto-Koans Book.
Each StarWheel mandala is supported by a SW Sutra (mystical explanation) and a SW Picto-Koan. A Picto-Koan is a block of 9 “hieroglyphic” icons intended to convey the essence of the SW in an intuitive, visual-imagination way. Usually, the center hieroglyph is a mini-key representing the entire mandala. The other SW Hieros may hint at graphic elements of the mandala image, or they may illustrate the SW Sutra description or Keyword. Some spirit teachings built in the StarWheel may also be extended & complemented by the Picto-Koans. The Picto-Koans are offered in 2D, yet they have a larger presence in 3D – if you allow for your psychic interactive mode.

The StarWheel hiero-graphic language is designed to act as a bridge between the direct experience of the mandala image — flooding the sensory system beyond the categories of the mind — and the alphabetic, linear, more accessible message of the Sutra description — speaking to the mind in a recognizable human language. The SW Hieros are an interface code — a frequency matrix translation — allowing an easier transition between the rational mind "making sense of the mandala" and the Infinite Spirit Self who IS the Mandala Maker.

Enter this Book of Picto-Koans as an exploration, a discovery journey into new realms of inner, sacred communications and tele-empathic languages that are mediated by geometries, light codes and sound frequencies. [234 full color pages]