Capucin monkey in Costa Rica.

Earth Projects

As the journey of life moves from assertion of ego-personality & self-gratification to the expanded awareness of belonging to larger & larger dimensions, we come to live a more and more inclusive life: we are the others, we are the Earth and humanity, we are the universe… Sooner or later, the realization dawns: we are nobody alone “by ourselves” and can’t even exist without being essentially immersed in the entire breath process of the universe. From core to core, center to center, sphere to sphere, atom to atom, creature to Mother Earth, human to humanity…, consciousness is the tapestry we continually weave. It is more fun to become fully aware of this weaving as to make it more creative — but it can and does remain unconscious oftentimes. However, we are breathed by life, whether we choose it or not.

The Earth Projects books and presentations are various approaches to consciously and creatively create love affairs between humans still believing they are a separate & self-made story and the next level of belonging: Humanity and Mother Earth.

The Earth Projects are inspirations to seek the universal before seeking the individual. To seek oneness before getting lost in multiplicity. To engage one’s life to the service and benefit of the larger family of humanity. In history, we have abundant examples of people who, after some sort of transcendent revelation, decided to dedicate their life to the benefit of humanity, thus turning their ordinary life into a magnificent blossoming of potential happiness for many…

The projects and mission statements presented here are a humble stream contributing to the great ocean of Being. May they inspire you to always look and live larger and vaster… In celebration of Who We Are...

Book cover designed by Aya for his Earth Vision Book PDF.

• The Earth Vision Book
The Earth Vision book is Aya’s mission statement and reach-out action for the well-being of humanity. It is also a form of photo-biography documenting successive expressions of creative energy weaving themselves into community life. This is the story of a bio-sphere re-growing into harmonic co-creation... and the story of one life remembering its origin...

Whereas the StarWheels Book and the StarWheel Vision book attend to galactic gardening, the Earth Vision Book attends to the minimum size: this lovely and compassionate planet-being, Gaia-the-Earth. How can we dance with her, each other and all creatures? How can we all thrive on Spaceship Earth? How can we best enter the universal dance of Oneness?

Remember: all the other ~8 billion “others” are only You trying to trick little-you into seeing them as separate, either friendly or dangerous or to be ignored. In essence, there are no others – You are this whole Presence...

Just accept and celebrate your true size: infinity. Then, life on Earth IS paradise. Share it as such... Namaste.

Book cover designed by Aya for his Yoga Manual PDF.

• Yoga Manual
The Yoga Manual is the legacy of Aya’s experience & wisdom of Yoga. An RYT 500 Yoga teacher, Aya has explored many modalities of Martial & Yogic arts, from Tai Chi to Chi Kung to Classical Yoga to Acro-Yoga and Yoga Swing to his own synthesis “Anjali Yoga Arts” (A.Y.A). Yoga means connection: personal connection between body, mind and spirit and the ultimate Earth-Cosmos and Consciousness-Oneness connection... On a personal level, Yoga is a conscious, vibratory massage of our own reality leading to ever increased harmony. On a collective level, Yoga is becoming a stage and a way for global awakening. Not just the stress-relief and disease-prevention benefits of body-based yoga, but the yoga of the cessation of the mind and the initiation of no-mind as we welcome ourselves into universal consciousness.

A gigantic Earth Yoga Festival is awaiting us... Want to join? Prepare yourself as the cosmic music instrument that you are. Use whatever aspect of Yoga is calling you and join the dancing celebration... [105 full color pages]

Cover designed by Aya for his Purna Vida Eco-Yoga Farm PDF.

• Purna Vida Eco-Yoga Farm
Purna means perfection in Sanskrit and vida means life in Spanish. The Purna Vida project is the current expression of a long-term dream of Aya: the establishment of a Global Earth School Eco-Campus & Uni-versity (also known as the Bliss Bless Blossom Farm) to support young people of all nations in expanding their creative consciousness and contributing to a new, spirited, life-respecting human civilization on Earth.

The Purna Vida project is designed to offer participants a fun-loving eco-environment of direct life experience based on a cooperative, co-creative curriculum of harmonic oneness with oneself, with each other, with community, with nature and with the universe...

The Purna Vida campus will offer do-it-yourself access to the basic arts celebrating Life: yogas, meditation, farming, creative arts-dance-music, crafts, eco-adventures, healing arts, community skills... A green life-style and sparkling-eye eco-village...

The Purna Vida project is presently envisioned in Costa Rica. [30 pages]

Cover designed by Aya for his StarWheel Interactive Museum PDF.

• StarWheel Interactive Museum (SWIM)

The key word for the SWIM project is interactive (hence “swimming”). In ancient Greece, a Museum, far from being a repository of ancient and life-less artefacts, was a very active place, a hub of creativity, where the muses, the goddesses of the arts & sciences, would inspire open-minded and open-hearted people with new ideas in all fields of culture and community. A museum was a place of interactive creativity: it was seen as auspicious to promote civic harmony and learning.

Similarly, we envision the SWIM project as a Global Exploratorium for studying, researching and applying the Sacred Arts wisdom that has accumulated on Earth (in spite of all historical upheavals) and now constitutes a common library for humanity. Gathering, sharing and recreating the practices, experiences and integrative benefits of a human evolutionary lineage: the wisdom of the ages...

The new generations of humanity need to feel excited and passionate again about knowledge, learning and creativity. This can only come from educational environments where all learning, from all nations and all times, is exposed, shared, sifted and applied for the benefit of the whole person and for a humanity rendered whole again.

The SWIM pdf document is focusing on the StarWheel Collection as one set of data among many others, repositories of this wisdom of the ages, all beautiful contributions to Cosmic Life.

Cover designed by Aya for his PHI Sciences Center PDF.

• PHI Sciences Center
Sacred Geometry and Harmonic Science are powerful vectors of horizontal and vertical integration. SG and HS are now rediscovered as the potential core elements of the global value system that all nations and all human beings can agree upon. Many researchers, seekers and pilgrims-of-life, from scientists to globetrotters to mystics to public figures, have gathered data, have made specific (re)-discoveries, or have shared insights & practices that consolidate our collective database of SG and HS. These “seeds of oneness" are floating around the world and beg to be found, assembled and inserted in a meaningful context so they can fructify and contribute to the collective evolution of humanity. We call this the PHI Sciences Center.

The idea of a Global hub of SG and HS is timely. What has already been gathered from ancient traditions is now reconfirmed from the cutting edge of science, in all disciplines, and practiced as a creative, proactive way of life. Languages might look different but the fractal harmonic cascades of fibo-phi ratios connecting humans, earth and the cosmos are perennial and give us a framework of universal belongingness for the building of a conscious civilization honoring LIFE and offering to the young generations renewed hope of fully unfolding their evolutionary, cosmic potential... [3 pages document]

Cover designed by Aya for his Earth School - Endowment for Orphans PDF.

• Earth School – Endowment for Orphans (EWO)

A special reach-out project dear to Aya is to create an endowment fund to provide 1-2 years of full residency and tuition for orphans from around the world. Why orphans? Deprived from the loving start of a family, and confronted with adversity, orphans can develop special qualities of resiliency, commitment and inner wisdom if they receive appropriate support.

According to UNICEF, there are roughly 153 million orphans in the world; each day, an estimated 5,700 more children become orphans… and the number is fast growing.

We want to encourage world orphans to create the best life they can, for themselves and for all others — and to offer orphans the chance of experiencing a family, at least as a community.

An international committee would select candidates from all the world’s nations (197). The vision of the EWO is to offer a scholarship to 1-2 orphan kids from each country. That kid would go back after 1-2 years at the Earth School and share her/his experience with their home school orphanage. Another kid would then be selected as an ambassador to the Earth School for the next residency cycle.

Just imagine the vast spectrum of possibilities: kids from ALL nations living and learning together for 1-2 years, in a Costa Rica environment providing the best of tropical nature and the best of creative, eco-global, non-competitive education. [2 pages document]

Book cover designed by Aya for two PDF Early Mystical Poems anthologies.

• Early Mystical Poems

Poetry is one of the first expressions of romantic love and of mysticism, the love for Infinite Life. Sometimes the two types of love blend in such a way that the poetry is beyond a specific object and reaches a universal tone & flavor.

The two PDF anthologies presented here are Golden Love and Soul Bird. They are a selection of various small poetry publications shared by Aya between 1984 and 2004.

Enjoy these springtime flowers.
May they inspire your on-going springtime.

Cover designed by Aya for his Yoga of Gifting PDF.

• Yoga of Gifting

This is an invitation and a reminder about the most important act of life: GIVING and GIFTING with utmost love & compassion. Turning oneself into a transparent, joyful, celebrating gateway for the bountiful flow of harmony and beauty sustaining the cosmos. Re-learning, as a person and as a global culture, how to GIVE without any condition whatsoever.

This is the antidote to the toxic greed condition that, in the name of business, nations, communities and people have fallen into.

Heed the parable of the Beggar and the King of Kings narrated in the pdf document.

[2 pages document]