Featuring Free Downloads

• StarWheel Books

• Encyclopedia of Sacred Geometry

• Yoga Manual

• Earth Projects

• and more…

~ Free Downloads courtesy of Aya & StarWheel Foundation ~

Pentagram and Earth illustration by visionary artist Aya.

Lokaha Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu

May all Beings on Mother Earth and in all realms be Happy & Free

... and may the thoughts, words, intentions and actions of our own life

contribute to the Happiness & Freedom of all...

On Thanksgiving day 2021, a sweet realization came upon the wings of spirit: this carefully built "i", this life-long project of "me" no longer was a priority... It just sort of puffed out... The infinite River of Life, in her creative wisdom & joy, had left it behind... Down the stream were disappearing the unraveling strands of a once solid and proud canvas painted with the whole spectrum of a life story...

And this website was born, based on the inspiration to give away, as free downloads, the creations of a lifetime.

Happy Giving Thanks to Existence

This website is nested in the tropical mountains facing the Pacific Ocean... It exists in the Ocean of Peace and celebrates the harmonic beauty of Life and her cosmic dances with all beings: humans, animals, bacteria, faeries and angels, rivers & mountains, planets and galaxies...

This website is a home of Oneness... a garden of communion with the seeds — flying high or hard-shelled, the roots seeking the earth, the leaves & trunks & branches reaching for the sky, the flowers – humble, nectary and magnificent, the fruits — sweet to soul-birds...
AND the seeds again...

Welcome back to Source…

About seeds and downloads
Seeds can only be free, just like human beings. Seeds encapsulate drops of the genetic ocean of life and then release their contents with full exuberance... This webspace offers free downloads of seeds / creations collected during a human journey of exploring the freedom of life... These gifts are returned to the Infinite Giver: You... They are micro-miracles looking for a friendly garden to dance their magical cycle of life...

The following book-seeds are downloadable:
• StarWheel Books. The StarWheel Collection of 108 StarWheel Mandalas (with Picto-Koans & Sutras), the StarWheel Vision Book and many books of creative Photoshop renditions of the StarWheel digital files.
• The Encyclopedia of Sacred Geometry in 18 volumes is yours to play with.
• The Earth Vision Book celebrates the coming of star-age for humanity. Various Earth projects presentations are offered as inspirations…
• The Yoga Manual offers my personal wisdom & practices for the global Yoga community. • Early Mystical Poems are white stones on the journey.

Click on the drop down menus for the pages with Free Downloads: StarWheel Books, Sacred Geometry and Earth Projects.

Note: Yoga Manual is on the Earth Projects page.

Select the books or documents that are calling you...

We ask that you keep them free from any profit system: it is against their very nature...

Thank You for co-creating the cosmic Garden of Life...